Archive for the ‘Election 2008’ Category

Obama’s Birth Scam: Birth Certificate Vs. Certification Of Live Birth

November 20, 2009

Where there’s smoke there’s fire.  Obama and his handlers have done everything shady possible in the handling of his birth question.  ALL IT WOULD TAKE TO CLEAR THIS UP IS TO PROVIDE A BIRTH CERTIFICATE WITH A DOCTOR’S NAME, HOSPITAL and ETC.  The CERTIFICATION OF LIVE BIRTH is a scam, read below…

I’ll cover his citizenship problem and why people (like Snopes) are fsck’d up on this later.

And for you Obamanites who claim that there is no difference between a Certification of Live Birth and a Birth Certificate, we, as well as the State of Hawaii, would have to disagree with you.

“[§338-17.8]  Certificates for children born out of State.
(a)  Upon application of an adult or the legal parents of a minor child, the director of health shall issue a birth certificate for such adult or minor, provided that proof has been submitted to the director of health that the legal parents of such individual while living without the Territory or State of Hawaii had declared the Territory or State of Hawaii as their legal residence for at least one year immediately preceding the birth or adoption of such child.
(b)  Proof of legal residency shall be submitted to the director of health in any manner that the director shall deem appropriate.  The director of health may also adopt any rules pursuant to chapter 91 that he or she may deem necessary or proper to prevent fraudulent applications for birth certificates and to require any further information or proof of events necessary for completion of a birth certificate.
(c)  The fee for each application for registration shall be established by rule adopted pursuant to chapter 91. [L 1982, c 182, §1]”

Everybody get that?

As long as an adult can walk into Hawaii’s version of the Department of Records and provide proof that they are a legal resident of Hawaii, the document is issued.

The child, on the other hand, could have been born in Hawaii, Kenya, or a back-alley in Budapest.

THE ARTICLE: Birth Certificate Vs. Certification Of Live Birth

It’s the Voter’s Fault!!!!

March 14, 2009

demlicansI am getting really sick of hearing how the American voter really screwed up by putting BO in the White House.  As you all may know, I pretty much despise BO’s agenda and what he’s doing.   But, I’m getting real tired of hearing how the stupid American voter made such a disastrous choice.

The fact of the matter is that the American voter hasn’t had a good choice for president since the 80’s!  Don’t blame the average citizen, blame the parties and the system for such spectacularly bad candidates.

When our choices are as bad as these, what does it matter?

Damn, That Was Fast! (aka: “Call Me Nostradamus”)

November 6, 2008

My quote from my November 4th post (actually written on the 3rd):

“Unfortunately, the Demoncrats now have her on their RADAR and know of her threat to them. For the next four years expect nothing but bad news about Palin and constant attacks to destroy her before she can run in 2012.”

Did I call it right or what?-

Palin didn’t know Africa’s a continent

Palin Didn’t Know Continents Vs. Countries: McCain Leak

McCain’s verdict on Palin: more trouble than a pitbull

There’s more of these ‘hit pieces’ today (November 5th) but, I’m tired and you can see that I am already correct.

ALSO, if you think that ‘Republicans Who just Really Want The Truth Known’ are behind these attacks, you’re smoking crack.

GOP, Did You Learn Anything?????

November 5, 2008

Dear GOP,

Now that you lost the presidency to a radical socialist that should have been a breeze to beat and lost even more congressional seats to the loon-bird demoncrats, I am hoping that you are now finally getting the picture. The GOP wins big when they act like conservatives and lose big when they act like liberals. YOU F’ING MORONS, QUIT PISSING ON YOUR CORE JUST TO MAKE DEMONCRATS HAPPY. Demoncrats will ALWAYS stab you in the back (kinda like what you have repeatedly done to your core).

McRINO was such a spectacularly bad candidate that your core just couldn’t get excited about him. He sold us out and sided with the demoncrats so much, that I think they gave him an honorary ass (mule) pin. The only reasons that he even got close to Obama was because:

1) Obama is going to be a complete disaster.

2) Sarah Palin.

Sarah Palin was the ONLY thing good about the GOP ticket this year. She was the only thing that your core could get excited about.

Anyway, I hope you GOP idiots have learned a lession and will quit forcing crap candidates on us (Bush & McCain), start acting like conservatives and quit lining your pockets (grabbing what you can) when you do get elected or else, you are going to lose even more power in the next election.

This is going to be a hard 2 years but maybe you’ll learn something from it.


A disgusted voter

My Pre-Election Observations….

November 4, 2008

It’s 9pm on November 3, 2008. I’ve had many things I wanted to say before we know the outcome of this election but, I have been too lazy to write them. Here’s my thoughts in one big post…

McCain – He was a pitiful choice by the Republicans. It is as if the GOP is TRYING to lose. His nomination is due to:

a) Huckabee, Romney and Giuliani splitting the conservative vote between them thus enabling the liberal-Republicans pick liberal McCain.

b) The GOP completely turning it’s back on Ron Paul and treating him (from the beginning) as a non-candidate.

c) The idiots of New Hampshire giving McCain his first win and thus momentum.

Obama – He is a crooked, racist, socialist who hates America and is going to give us another four years of a Carter economy (with more terrorist attacks than Clinton (yes, they will be on our overseas installation but still more attacks)). He has squat for experience. He has lied to our faces by promising EVERYTHING without a workable way of paying for it THEN LYING ABOUT LOWERING MIDDLE CLASS TAXES!!

IF BY SOME MIRACLE, Obama actually did only raise taxes on the ‘rich’ and businesses, this is only going to cause the ‘rich’ and businesses to move money and jobs out of the US and that is going to hurt us all. I predict that Grand Cayman and Switzerland are going to have a booming banking business.

As for Obama’s birth certificate- I think he was born in Kenya and therefore not eligible to be President.

a) He refuses to release his birth certificate – what is he hiding?

b) The birth certificate that was leaked to the world is pretty much believed to be a fake.

c) The Governor of Hawaii DID NOT order the certificate sealed but Hawaii still won’t release it due to:

State law prohibits the release of a birth certificate except to a person seeking his or her own certificate and the person’s spouse, parent and legal guardian.

If he was really born in the US, all he has to do is tell Hawaii that it is okay to release it and this whole issue is cleared up but, he won’t… Why not?

Biden – He’s a stupid tool who can’t keep his mouth shut when it needs to be.

Palin – The ONLY shining spot in this whole Election ’08 fiasco.

The Clintons – Bill Clinton, being the last President, has basically been the defacto leader of the Democrats (or at least would be if he hadn’t delegated that power to Hillary). If Obama loses the election, Hillary WILL be running against McCain in 2012. If Obama wins, he will become the defacto leader of the Democrat party. Hillary, being a threat to Obama’s control, will lose most of her power as she will be sent to the political equivalent of Tatooine.

Polls – Polls are notoriously inaccurate. Polls showed McCain with no support before the Republican nomination and they were wrong. Polls showed Jimmy Carter tied with Ronald Reagan and they were wrong. In politics, you never know what’s going to happen until the election is done.

ACORN – They are criminals and should be shut-down and various members brought up on charges. Obama is up to his neck with them which is further proof that he is a crook. McCain was/is an idiot for ever associating with them.


An Obama WinObama’s policies are the same as Jimmy Carter’s were in the 70’s. We are going to have another economically depressed four years but there is a bright side to this-

a) This HOPEFULLY will be a wake-up call to the GOP. They are EXCELLENT at being spineless jellyfish when it comes to standing up the mis-behaving Democrats. They are also good at selling out conservative principles to ‘line their nests’. Maybe the GOP will get the message after this upcoming spanking. Then again, I thought that the spanking the GOP got after betraying their promises in the ‘Contract With America’ would have taught them but of course, it didn’t. GOP politicians are stupid and greedy and they do not think about future consequences when they are filling their pockets.

b) After the Carter fiasco, we got Reagan. We need to let the Democrats depress the US for us to throw them back out in 2012. IF I had to predict the future, I am thinking that Palin (who is now being courted by the GOP for the future) will be the GOP nominee in 2012 and I’m thinking she will kick ass.  Unfortunately, the Demoncrats now have her on their RADAR and know of her threat to them.  For the next four years expect nothing but bad news about Palin and constant attacks to destroy her before she can run in 2012.

c) The Clintons will go away and Hillary will never be president. If Obama wins, he is going to punish Hillary and put her far away. He will also be the candidate in 2012 thus preventing Hillary from running. After that, I think Hillary will be so stripped of power and old that she won’t be a contender in 2016.

d) Obama will most likely only replace two Supreme Court judges, both are ultra-liberal and therefore shouldn’t shift the power by too much.

An Obama win is like a vaccination that makes you sick to make you better. A political-flu vaccination. It’s going to hurt but we’ll be better off in the long run.

A McCain win– a bad deal for us…

a) McCain will prove to be a crappy President (like Bush 1 and 2) because he’s too liberal.

b) Palin’s name will be tarnished by being associated with a lack-luster/un-popular McCain administration and we will lose our best hope for the future.

c) Hillary WILL be in the 2012 race and may win.

A McCain win version 2 – GREAT for us!

a) McCain dies early into his administration and Palin takes over! The economy soars, Government is cleaned up (a little), a cure for cancer is found and world peace prevails. We have eight WONDERFUL years then the GOP gets complacent again and we repeat the cycle of crappy choices.

By my estimation, an Obama win will be the best for us in the long run. We survived FDR, Johnson, Carter, Bush, Clinton, Clinton, Bush and Bush, we will survive Obama. Just remember, with a few hours left until elections, polls mean nothing and ANYTHING can happen. No, I’m not hinting at a McCain win.

BTW, Laura Ingraham (whom I am watching on TV at this moment) is such a hottie!

Obama, Change 1976 Style….

October 29, 2008

We’re getting close and as much as I didn’t want to vote for McRINO and wanted Obama to win (because “the GOP needs another lesson”), I’m actually fretting over Obama’s apparent ensured victory.

There is so many reasons not to vote for Obama that I’ve wanted to list them in one posting but everytime I think about writing it, I want to throw up in disgust.

Without getting into his personal racism, radicalism, corruption et al, let me just take this time to tell you what is wrong with him economically-

1) Economic “Change We Need” – The economic ‘change’ that Obama is trying to bring to us is nothing new. His policies are pretty much the exact same as Jimmy Carter’s in 1976- more taxes, more forced energy savings, more welfare. We did this in 1976 and it had disastrous effects economically and socially.

2) Social “Change We Need” – More welfare. Doesn’t anyone remember how many decades it took to get welfare reform passed through the government? Doesn’t anyone remember how bad the welfare fraud was/is? No one remembers the social impact of women having more kids “for a bigger check”?

3) National Policy “Change We Need” – As much as I think the Bush crew screwed up the handling of the past two wars, we have already seen the outcome of trying to reason with terrorists. Terrorists DO NOT PLAY BY THE RULES and never will. As far as making Europe and everyone else in the world like us more, do you remember the tale of the old-man, the child and the mule?

4) Healthcare “Change We Need” – Obama’s healthcare plan is un-doable as he promises. He’s promising more benefits than can be paid for. The next time you are standing in line at the DMV, only to get to the counter and deal with a rude government employee who could care less about her/his job and you’re frustrated with the service you received, think about the service you will get with government managed healthcare! I mean, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid is doing SOOO GREAT!

Lastly, back to the economy- How can people be so stupid?!?!
1) The economic downturn we are experiencing now was caused by the Democrats (a shout out to Barney Frank).
2) The horrible $700,000,000,000 free hand-out (to their friends) was done by the Democrats (no one remembers Pelosi, surrounded by the Democrats happily announcing their pay-off!?!?)
3) The Obama/Biden “Raise the Taxes” economic plan is NOT JUST FOR THE RICH! It WILL raise the middle-class taxes and it WILL CAUSE UNEMPLOYMENT when businesses cut-back and move more operation off-shore to avoid US taxes.

I could go on, but I have to go to work to scrape some money together and pay some taxes and eek by on what’s left over…

Racists Vote For Obama!

October 29, 2008

You have heard of all of the racists white people (thanks Murtha for pointing some out) who will not vote for Obama because he’s black.

What you aren’t hearing about is all of the racist whites, asians, hispanics and (predominately) blacks that are going to vote FOR Obama solely because he’s black. Somehow, voting against someone because of their skin color is racist but voting for someone solely because of their skin color is NOT racist. Let me correct that, voting against the OTHER guy because of HIS skin color is NOT racist….

Obama Is Going To Tax The Middle Class!

October 29, 2008

Obama has said that he’s only going to tax the ‘rich’ and will cut middle class taxes… BS! The ‘rich’ income is already coming down into middle class levels…

Rich =$250K… No, rich = $200K… No rich = $150K…

Demoncrats have NEVER lowered taxes on the middle class and they never will (in the foreseeable future).

Obama Supporter Gets A Lesson In Socialism…

October 25, 2008


From Breda’s wonderful blog comes a great entry: Death & taxes

But the real jewel of this entry was a comment from Old NFO

“Today on my way to lunch I passed a homeless guy with a sign that read “Vote Obama, I need the money.” I laughed.

Once in the restaurant my server had on a “Obama 08” tie, again I laughed as he had given away his political preference — just imagine the coincidence.

When the bill came I decided not to tip the server and explained to him that I was exploring the Obama redistribution of wealth concept. He stood there in disbelief while I told him that I was going to redistribute his tip to someone who I deemed more in need–the homeless guy outside. The server angrily stormed from my sight.

I went outside, gave the homeless guy $5 and told him to thank the server inside as I’ve decided he could use the money more. The homeless guy was grateful.

At the end of my rather unscientific redistribution experiment I realized the homeless guy was grateful for the money he did not earn, but the server was pretty angry that I gave away the money he did earn, without his consideration of whether I should have even have don’t that; though in my opinion the actual recipient needed the server’s money more.

I guess redistribution of wealth is an easier thing to swallow in concept than in practical application.”

Also, Docjim505 had a good comment:

“Socialism looks good to only three types of people:

1. Those with no money

2. Those who think they will control who gets the money, or at least that “bad” people will “pay”

3. The insane”

The Myth Of Taxing The Rich.

October 16, 2008

Demoncrats LOVE to “Tax the Rich” which is odd because the Demoncrats in power usually ARE “the rich”. I have never heard of the Clintons, Pelosi, Reid, Rangel or any of them giving up tax exemptions and shelters so the the poor can have more but they LOVE TO TAX THE RICH!

The scam is that tax increases do not really affect the rich as much as they affect the middle-class. The reason- ‘the rich’ have more disposable income and can afford to ‘hide’ that money in deductions and tax shelters whereas the middle-class usually don’t have enough disposable money and ends up with only one tax-shelter, his/her house.

If you compare theoretical tax rates & actual tax rates vs ‘money coming in’, you’ll see that the middle-class bears the brunt (rate-wise) of this “tax the rich” system. See below-

So, when you hear Obama (or any other politician) saying that they are ‘only going to tax the rich’, they are lying to your face and you’re gonna get the shaft (while they max out their tax-deductions and shelters).

Warren Buffett even agrees- ” Warren Buffett, the third-richest man in the world, has criticized the US tax system for allowing him to pay a lower rate than his secretary and his cleaner.”